Saturday, December 15, 2007


(In Lauren's own humble words)
This is Lauren our first and most wonderful child, now at 18, adult! Everything she does just gets more and more amazing! I don't think she could be any better.She is thoroughly enjoying herself at BYU, elevating herself to a higher standard! We always look foward to her coming home every school break. She is literally an angel in our lives, a gift from heaven. We consider ourselves lucky to be her family. She is truly the paradigm of humility! What more could we ask for?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Big "T"

Isn't he a cute 12 year old, soon to be a teenager. The spitting image of his dad, poor thing. Ha! Girls watch out, because he is going to grow into those teeth.


Chelsea turned 8 and was baptized in August 2007 (ignore the wrong date on the photo). How did our baby get to be 8 already.

She loves to talk and talk and talk, and have fun!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Nicole our beautiful daughter. She is 15, but we still love her anyways. She looks forward to driving and getting those braces off.

22nd Anniversary

Ben and I just celebrated our 22nd anniversary! My how the time flies when you are in love and have four kids!! We liked the blog idea so this is how we will communicate now since Rose made it into the nursing program. That starts January 14, 2008.