Saturday, December 15, 2007


(In Lauren's own humble words)
This is Lauren our first and most wonderful child, now at 18, adult! Everything she does just gets more and more amazing! I don't think she could be any better.She is thoroughly enjoying herself at BYU, elevating herself to a higher standard! We always look foward to her coming home every school break. She is literally an angel in our lives, a gift from heaven. We consider ourselves lucky to be her family. She is truly the paradigm of humility! What more could we ask for?


Jared and Katy said...

Wow I remember when we used to play together when you babysat me! She is so beautiful!

(Chris Grant's daughter)
check out our blog at

my mom and Cassy have one also that you can find through mine!

Chris said...

Hop off that train, take a deep breath and start bloggin again! I love to see your beautiful family and hear all about your comings and goings.
Much Love,
