Thursday, March 3, 2011

Long Time No Post

Well it has been a long time since I last posted. Since I last posted I have graduated from nursing school as an RN in December 2009 and started working at Los Alamitos Hospital in Telemetry. This is the cardiac floor. I started there in January full time. It was really hard at first and many people told me the first year is really hard because you are learning everything and also I work nights which was an adjustment. Then in December 2010 my mom was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and underwent surgery on January 5Th of this year. She has a very rare aggressive form of thyroid cancer called anaplastic carcinoma. Basically it invades your trachea, esophagus and then moves to your brain, and lungs. There is no cure and people go quickly within 6 months. My mom was put on Hospice with a trach and feeding tube. So she need 24hr care, which means me. So I am on Family Medical Leave from my job and with some adjustments by the kids we moved my mom into our home to live out her last days. It has been rewarding at times to be able to serve her in this way but it has also been hard to watch her decline. I don't think it was coincidence that I graduated nursing school, worked for a year to get experience and then have my mom get cancer and need 24 hr nursing care. Obviously God had a plan for me to help my mom. How grateful I am for this experience and that I can do this for her. I am grateful for all the prayers that have been said on our behalf.

1 comment:

Sabdrad said...

Well we love you guys. We will keep you in our prayers. If you ever need to call and talk just call any time day or night. Love ya, Sany