Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Year's Goal!!

So one of my goals I made at the beginning of the year was not to shop for myself for 3 months from December 23, 2010, which would be March 23, 2011. Now mind you I am the most frugual shopper and don't spend a lot of money but let's face it, just because it is on sale doesn't mean you need it.  My closet is full and I really don't need anything.  (Of course my brother had to one up me and said he is not shopping for himself for a year, and he is a shopaholic!!!) So with taking care of my mom it has been pretty easy.   I don't go anywhere because I am home taking care of her.  But recently there has been this cute dress on the JCPenny commercial.  So I got weak and broke down and went online to see if that particular dress was available.(Go here to see the Dress ) Yes it was on the site and so I tried to order it being weak.  Well I guess, call it what you will, Heavenly Father helping me, fate, I call it Heavenly Father trying to help me with my goal, it wasn't available in my size.  HaHa.  So with only one more week to go for my goal I hope I make it.  It has been an eye opener to learn you really don't need stuff!!! I knew this but sometimes you need to relearn things.  Taking care of my mom has made me realize what is important.  It's not about what you buy, or keeping up with the Jone's but the relationships in your life and how you treat people.  I also have started to say, "What do I really need instead of that is cute I think I will buy it".  Hopefully I can pass that onto my kids!!!  Wish me luck with my goal!!!

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