Thursday, March 17, 2011



Yes I am part Irish, my Brimberry side. Since I have started taking care of my mom I have put on weight.  I am home all the time and all you want to do is eat.  It is really hard to fit in exercising.  I got on my friends scale and realized I have gained 10lbs.  Well that just won't do. So starting Saturday I went off processed sugar, breads, and pastas. Thanks to my two older daughters watching my mom, I have started walking every weekday with my friend Carolee, who is also caregiving for her father-in-law.  Between our two schedules we are trying really hard to fit it in.  Well one of my favorite things is a Shamrock Shake from Mcdonalds.  I have been reallly good for the last 6 days and decided I would treat myself.  I think I deserve it.  Let's hope I haven't sabotaged myself.  I figured it was ok since I walked 4 miles today and helped Lauren weed the flower beds today to plant the rest of our garden.  Also I gave a small sip to my mom to put on her tongue to taste.  She was happy!!!  I think it was worth it and I will be back on track tomorrow!! 

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