Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tyler is driving!!!

Tyler got his license today!!! Yeah! He is a little spoiled in that he will get to drive the Toyota 4 Runner Ben just got for a smokin deal. He is driving this car since it seems to be our gas guzzler, (Since gas at its cheapest is $3.89/gallon) and Tyler has the shortest distance to go to school.  Of course the girls don't think its fair that he didn't have to drive an embarrasing cheap car. But we always like to say to our kids, "Well life isn't fair, get use to it!"  He is our only boy!! He just better have the same driving record as the girls with no tickets and no accidents thus far or his driving days will be over. 

1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

Tyler looks really handsome in that car. Sometimes a car can just make you look better.