Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday!!

So I decided I would write what I am thankful for every Thursday, hence the "Thankful Thursday" So here it goes:

1) I am thankful it hasn't been to bad taking care of my mom thus far.
2) I am thankful I am a nurse so I can take care of my mom.
3) I am thankful  while staying home I can see how good Lauren and Nicole are at reading their scriptures daily. (They never miss a day, they didn't get that from me. Thank you seminary teachers!!!)
4) I am grateful to my girls who help watch my mom so I could go to RS presidency meeting today.
5) I am thankful Ben has a good job so I can stay home to take care of my mom.
6) I am grateful for the rain.
7) I am grateful to be able to walk in the morning with Carolee who is also taking care of a parent, so we can commiserate together.
8) I am grateful I finished one of my goals of not shopping for me for 3 months.

Well that is enough for today.  I have many things to be grateful for!!!!

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