Monday, May 2, 2011

Tender mercies!!

Today I have been feeling down.  I can't put my finger on it but I feel down about myself.  I won't share exactly why I feel this way, because there are several reasons.  I will share however, that I have to go back to work on Wednesday and I am anxious about it.  I haven't worked since December.  They said I had to come back full time or quit.  So I guess I am going back.  Also today it hit me I can't pick up the phone and call my mom to talk about things.  That was a sad realization for me.  I am still trying to get her house cleaned and fixed and ready to sell.  Things that aren't easy. 

Anyways, God is always there for you.  I received a phone call later in the day from a lady from my church inviting me to go to the temple with her tomorrow.  She is an older lady and I love her to pieces.  She has 9 grown children that are married with kids.  So I am always asking her for advice.  Unfortunately I can't go to the Temple with her because I get to go sit at my mom's house for 3 hours and wait for a Salvation Army truck to pick up all the junk that didn't sale.  But I just have to say her conversation lifted me up.  Out of the blue she told me that I am a good person and a good example.  She said many positive things about my family and my husband.  It was just what I needed to hear right then. Sometimes we need a little pick me up.  Thank you Heavenly Father for surrounding me with angels and giving me tender mercies when I need them!!!  

1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

Interesting how we all feel a little off sometimes. I had an important presentation today and I had been praying this morning to be able to present in a clear and concise manner. The last couple of presentations didn't feel quite right.
It went really well and the client sent me a note right after saying how "cool" our product is.
It struck me in that moment to give thanks and acknowledge Him on whose arm we rely.
Bless you Rosemary, you bring joy to so many of us.