Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!/Thankful Thursday

Well today is my 45th birthday.  Yeah I will admit it.  I am not thrilled about getting old but trying to do the best I can to stay young physically and emotionally. Since today is Thursday I thought I would combine my birthday with Thankful Thursday, so here it is:

1) Thankful I got new carpet!! (Love it and love that it doesn't smell like dog pee upstairs!!!!)
2) Thankful for my children and how thoughtful they were in their gifts to me this year.
3) Thankful that I live near the beach and that Chelsea and I took a drive along PCH just to see the beautiful ocean.
4) Thankful for getting organized.  (Had to move everything downstairs to get new carpet, so cleaned, threw out and just plain got organized upstairs!)
5) Thankful I can read and love reading books. (Got a new book for my birthday that I requested, "Look 20 years younger"! HaHa)
6) Thankful for my husband who is always thoughtful, helpful, loving and I could go on and on. Thankful that we could spend time together just the two of us in Palm Springs this last weekend!!!!
7) Thankful that Nicole is fixing dinner tonight for my birthday.
8) Thankful for friends who remembered my birthday and are so thoughtful.
9) Thankful for California weather!!!
10) Last, but most important, thankful for the Savior that he atoned for our sins and was resurrected and that someday I will see my mom again!!!

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